Geeks + Gamers
Gaming • Movies • Sports
Geeks + Gamers is a vibrant online community that consists of a core website, a heavy presence across social media platforms, a controversial and lively YouTube channel, and a group of diversely opinionated people who love celebrating all of the great things that “geek culture” has to offer.
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Only in Boston

Walking like the guys and the guys walking like the girls

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New York City

Jay’s got moves and Jeremy is in love

If anyone wants to know what Ryan’s second job is 🤣

5 dollars please

Can’t take Jay anywhere 🤣

Jay having fun at the arcade in Boston

September 16, 2024
Box Office Breakdown 9/15/24

My latest coverage of the box office featuring #beetlejuicebeetlejuice and #AmIRacist...what do y'all think? Comment below!

September 12, 2024
Am I Racist? (2024) Review

Just getting back from #AmIRacist...had about maybe 20 or so people in my theater which for my location (for a documentary premier no less) was a pretty good turn out...not as good or effective as #WhatIsAWoman , but still a lot of fun and exposes a lot of nonsense! Anyone else see it? Thoughts? Let's talk!

September 08, 2024
Beetlejuice Box Office Hit?

Latest box office breakdown for G and G is live! What do yall think?

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