Geeks + Gamers
Gaming • Movies • Sports
Geeks + Gamers is a vibrant online community that consists of a core website, a heavy presence across social media platforms, controversial and lively YouTube channels, and a group of diversely opinionated people who love celebrating all of the great things that “geek culture” has to offer.
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October 30, 2024
What's Up G+G!
New York City

Jay’s got moves and Jeremy is in love

Only in Boston

Walking like the guys and the guys walking like the girls


Just an idea for the Vegas meetup (during Wrestlemania).
@MyNerdyHome @KristaNovva @DDayCobra @FearTheBeardo

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For the first Movie Watch Party of March, since we're nearing baseball season VOTE BELOW! Watch Party on Thursday at 6pm ET.

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Wisconsin 199, when are we meeting up???

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